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You’ve created a quality Facebook page and amassed a large following. Yet your posts continue to experience little to no engagement. It’s a common issue. Here are some reasons why — and what you can do about it:

Your posts are boring

Sorry to be so harsh right off the bat, but this is a problem that’s fixable. Many Facebook users don’t think twice when liking a page that seems interesting or that their friends recommended to them. But they have to be encouraged and inspired to leave a comment on a post or share it.

Worse yet: what if you create a brilliant ad that entices followers to flock to your page …. only to have people discover a relatively empty page with a dull or low-quality cover photo, minimal information about your brand, few recent posts, and few images? The old adage of “don’t judge a book by its cover” rings true for Facebook advertising as well: you don’t want your ads to be more exciting than your page itself. Otherwise, people may unfollow your page or abandon your page altogether in hopes of finding another brand with more interesting and valuable information to offer.

Your advertising strategy is limited

A common problem many companies and organizations face is deciding on an ideal campaign strategy. For new and experienced marketers alike, the option to grow your follower base seems like the best option because who doesn’t want more followers? However, this singular strategy can be pretty limiting when it comes to long-lasting results. It’s easy to click “like” on a sponsored post — it takes someone significantly more effort to scroll through the brand’s page, read content, comment on posts, and share content with their own friends.

Rather than limiting yourself to paid advertising campaigns that solely emphasize racking up followers, consider adding campaigns, like contests and surveys, that seek to increase genuine engagement among your existing base. In other words, you can create a group of ads that invites followers to respond to thought-provoking questions, share their own experiences, or even tantalizes them with a contest open exclusively to followers of your page.

You’re not providing incentives to boost engagement

Why should people comment on your page, like your photos, and share your posts if you don’t give them any incentives to do so? One of the biggest reasons why you might rack up a huge but silent following on Facebook is that you and your marketing team aren’t actively reaching out to those followers once they’ve liked your page.

Sure, you may put out great content, but that’s not sufficient enough to engage your audience. Unless you’re asking them personally relevant questions, responding to their reviews/comments, requesting specific feedback about your products/services, and giving them other incentives to like or comment on your posts/page, you won’t be able to increase your follower engagement levels. It certainly requires more time and effort to respond in this way, but the long-term benefits of personalizing your customers’ experiences with your brand on social media will be worth it.

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